The Walker Agency
I was the one-man CD for this project. I did the branding, the brand story, and the logo design for Helsinki’s The Walker Agency. They’re a small boutique marketing and growth agency, and an incredibly talented group of folks. It was a pleasure working with them right as they started.
A year later, they merged with the Handson agency. Then the two agencies got bought by The Digitalist Group.
So it goes.
Click here for the full deck (version 2.1… not the final… complete with a couple of pages of outlines at the end).
I was the first full-time writer hired at this boutique content agency from the creator of Morning Brew. Though I was not a fit once the agency pivoted to a more AI-focused model, it was an absolute blast working there with many happy days and a lot of fulfilling work. I learned a lot about newsletters from Alex Lieberman, and during my time there had 2.5M+ monthly subscribers I was writing to.
I wrote for major brands (Mozilla, Experts Exchange, Pavlov, Beholdr, and more), LinkedIn influencers, and came 3rd place in the office Christmas trivia contest. I won a mug. It is very nice.
I wrote and named Mozilla’s “The Sidebar” newsletter, and wrote the first few issues.
I named Experts Exchange’s newsletter “Byte Size” and wrote the first 10 issues. Here’s one and two random issues to check out.
I worked closely with Pavlov for their website, including their blog, product marketing, and brand development. Here’s a blog and - hey, why not - another one here.
I also worked with Clari on webinar content, website content, interviews, and other marketing miscellany.
I thoroughly enjoyed working with Bridgette Goodbody and the entire Beholdr team on their brand voice and website content.
And there’s a lot more, too.
I was the ACD (in conjunction with Kobra Agency) for the Hellon / Graend merge, and solely responsible for all text-based aspects of the rebrand. I’m most proud of the tag “Enabling New Horizons” as that shaped the entire project.
There’s a blog post here that outlines the rebrand.
As I bear the dubious honor of “the guy who started the Fuck Yeah meme” (cited by internet journalist Taylor Lorenz’s book ‘Extremely Online’, which dedicates a full 4 pages to the escapades of my youth) — it’d be remiss to leave out my consultancy work with Tumblr.
Was I paid very well? No. I believe I got $500 and a t-shirt in 2012. Did they then reuse the idea for their SXSW event several years in a row? Yes. Due to this, would I work with David Karp again? Probably not.
But this was a fun chapter from a different era. To give you an idea of exactly how different an era it was, Entourage was a popular show at that time.
Read more about the Fuck Yeah phenomenon here, if you feel like it.
Oh, so it’s older clips you want?
Try these on for size.
I should mention that my ability to use Squarespace’s editor sometimes runs into a brick wall. If you can’t see links (i.e. they aren’t underlined), the bolded texts are links, so feel free to click around on them.
I wasn’t fantastic at saving clips early on (admittedly—I had no idea what a “book” was until 2019); these are what I was able to salvage from an older laptop.
For my writing for Esquire from 2014-2017, please click here. I still, on occasion, pitch to their style and entertainment verticals.
At eBay, I joined the copy team as a freelancer, specifically for their Collections team (examples: 1, 2, 3, 4). I really enjoyed the experience, and was asked to stay for 2 more years! Within eBay at the time was sort-of a mini agency, and I wrote copy for Samsung, Apple, and more.
I also wrote long-form copy for eBay’s social media platforms. Much of that work was centered around an editorial calendar that I helped maintain, and I wrote high-performing content for the NFL Super Bowl, the Stanley Cup, and much more. I’m a bit of a history buff as history is full of great stories, so any historical content comes naturally to me.
I have the distinct honor of being asked to write the internal all-company April Fools’ Day joke. Here’s the first one, and here’s the second year's joke. The final versions of each had legal information at the bottom, too, which was a ton of fun to write! -
I’ve worked at Miltton — Finland’s biggest (and some would say best!) communications agency since 2021. As a copyeditor, I’ve worked on the accounts of Finland’s biggest brands, including Fazer, Rovio, FinnAir, and more.
However, it’s my work as a copywriter that I’m most proud of. The ‘Streets’ one and the Huhtamaki one have the most of my voice in them (so to speak), while the others are more serviceable to the client.The bolded text is links, so feel free to click!
— I wrote the text and came up with the concept for the Streets event.— I wrote this script for the Finnish Autism Society (doc format).
— And I co-wrote the script for the voiceover (and did the voiceover!) for this video for Huhtamaki. You can find those on m voiceover page.
One of my first gigs ever was The Daily Show’s Indecison 2012 app. You can read a review and see screenshots of it here.
— I’ve worked in email marketing, travel blogging… heck, I’ve even worked as a fishmonger before. If you’d like to see more examples of my work, just contact me.
— My work for Netflix was hosting 2 “webside chats” with TV experts, back in 2012. Unfortunately, since Gawker has been sued to death, they’re no longer hosted. If you have them, please send them over!
— Here are the first articles I ever wrote, for Interview Magazine back in 2011 and 2012.